3D printing tips
April 23, 2023
Elevate Your 3D Printing Game using High-Quality 3D Printers

Everybody wants to elevate their 3D printing game to produce precise and detailed 3D models with consistent accuracy and reliability. Unfortunately, they cannot “will” themselves to print these high-quality 3D models. 

Beyond having mad 3D designing skills (or downloading pre-made files on online repositories), 3D printing beginners and enthusiasts need to have high-quality 3D printers. These 3D printers help achieve a high level of 3D printing.

And, it's true that despite the rise in popularity of 3D printers, there is limited or too technical information about them. That’s why we’ve prepared this article to help you understand everything you need to know about high-quality 3D printers. We’ll cover the following:

● The different types of high-quality 3D printers

● General features of a high-quality 3D printer

● Factors you need to consider before buying a high-quality 3D printer

● Pros and cons of owning and using high-quality 3D printers

Bonus: We’ve included a real case study at the end of this article to show you why owning a high-quality 3D printer might be good for you.

Let’s jump right in!

Types of High-Quality 3D Printers

First things first - before diving in too deeply about the technical aspects of a good quality 3D printer, let’s take a look at the different types available in the market today.

1. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D Printer

FDM printers are the most common type of 3D printer and use a spool of thermoplastic filament that is melted and deposited layer by layer to create a 3D object.

FDM 3D printers are relatively easy to use and operate, making them a popular choice for home and hobby use. They are also more affordable than other types of 3D printers and offer a wide range of compatible thermoplastic filaments to choose from

2. Resin 3D Printer

​​Resin 3D printers are capable of producing highly detailed and accurate prints with smooth surface finishes, making them ideal for creating complex or intricate objects such as figurines, jewelry, and dental or medical models.

The use of liquid resin also allows for a wider range of colors and materials, including flexible or transparent resins, to be used in the printing process.

3. Wax 3D Printer

A wax 3D printer is a type of 3D printer that uses wax as the raw material to create 3D objects. Wax 3D printers are commonly used in jewelry-making and dental industries, where precise and detailed wax models are needed for casting metal objects.

They are also used in the manufacturing of aerospace and defense components, where a high level of accuracy and precision is required. One of the advantages of wax 3D printing is the ability to create highly detailed and intricate objects with smooth surfaces and precise dimensions.

Top 6 Features of High-Quality 3D Printers

1. High print quality: A high-quality 3D printer should be able to produce high-quality prints with smooth surfaces and accurate details. This can be achieved through features such as high-resolution printing, precise calibration, and advanced printing techniques.

2. Auto-leveling bed: An auto-leveling bed is a feature that automatically adjusts the print bed to ensure that it is level and at the correct distance from the print head. This can be especially useful for beginners or for those who want to save time and effort in the calibration process.

3. Compatibility with different filaments: A high-quality 3D printer should be able to work with a wide range of high quality 3D filaments, including different types of plastics, resins, and metals. This can give users more flexibility in the types of objects they can create.

4. Easy-to-use interface: A high-quality 3D printer should have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use. This can include features such as touch screens, intuitive software, and simple controls.

5. Connectivity: A high-quality 3D printer should have connectivity options that allow it to be easily connected to a computer or network. This can include features such as Wi-Fi connectivity, USB ports, or Ethernet ports.

6. Large build volume: A high-quality 3D printer should have a large enough build volume to accommodate a wide range of objects and projects. This can be especially important for professionals or hobbyists who need to print large or complex objects.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a High-Quality 3D Printer

1. Print quality: The print quality of the 3D printer is a critical factor, especially for professional use. Print quality is affected by various factors, such as print resolution, filament type, and print speed. For professional use, a printer that produces high-quality prints is crucial.

2. Intended use: The intended use of the 3D printer should be the first consideration when selecting a printer. Different printers have different strengths and weaknesses, and the intended use will dictate which features are most important.

3. Filament compatibility: Different 3D printers work with different filaments. The choice of filament type will determine the properties of the printed object, such as strength, durability, and flexibility. It is essential to choose a printer that is compatible with the type of filament required for the intended use.

4. Build volume: The build volume is the maximum size of the object that can be printed. Larger build volumes are necessary for printing larger objects, while smaller build volumes may suffice for smaller objects.

5. Connectivity: The connectivity of the 3D printer is essential, especially for professionals. The printer should have options for connecting to a network or a computer. Some printers offer Wi-Fi connectivity or USB ports, which can be beneficial for remote printing.

6. Price: The cost of the 3D printer is also an essential consideration. High-quality 3D printers can be expensive, and the price should be compared to the features and capabilities of the printer to ensure value for money.

Pros and Cons of Using a High-Quality 3D Printer


1. Precision and accuracy: High-quality 3D printers are designed to produce precise and accurate prints, allowing for complex geometries and intricate details.

2. Versatility: A high-quality 3D printer can handle a wide range of materials and can print objects of various sizes and shapes.

3. Reliability: High-quality 3D printers are built to last and can operate for extended periods without requiring maintenance or repair.

4. Customization: With a high-quality 3D printer, you can create custom parts, prototypes, and products, which can save time and money in the long run.

5. Innovation: High-quality 3D printers can push the boundaries of what's possible and facilitate innovation in fields like medicine, engineering, and architecture.


1. Cost: High-quality 3D printers can be expensive, with prices ranging from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the features and capabilities.

2. Filament cost: Filament costs can add up, especially for high quality 3D filaments such as specialty materials like metals, carbon fiber, or flexible materials. This can increase the overall cost of the printing process.

3. Limited material compatibility: Some high-quality 3D printers are designed to work with specific types of filaments or materials. This can limit the range of objects that can be printed, depending on the needs of the user.

High-Quality 3D Printers Application + Real-World Case Study

Check out places where high-quality 3D printers can work best:

1. Medical: 3D printing is used in the medical field to produce customized prosthetics, implants, and surgical tools. High-quality 3D printers can produce detailed and accurate medical models that can be used in surgical planning and training.

High-Quality 3D Printers Application 

2. Prototyping: 3D printing is often used in product development to create prototypes quickly and cost-effectively. High-quality 3D printers can produce accurate and detailed prototypes that can be used for testing and evaluation.

High quality 3D printer for prototyping

 3. Education: 3D printing is increasingly being used in education to teach students about design, engineering, and manufacturing. High-quality 3D printers can produce detailed and accurate models that can be used to teach complex concepts.

 4. Architecture and construction: 3D printing is used in architecture and construction to produce models and prototypes of buildings, as well as construction components such as molds and formwork. High-quality 3D printers can produce large-scale models with high precision and accuracy.

High quality 3D printer used in architecture

Bottom line:

High-quality 3D printers are extremely useful and beneficial.

Check out how a school in South Korea is utilizing the power of 3D printing to enhance their education:

Kids need high quality 3D printers 

This education center offers CAD and 3D printing classes as part of its main curriculum. The school further encourages its learners to learn more about CAD and 3D printing by joining these particular school clubs.

Through these clubs, learners are taught everything they need to know about 3D printers - including how a slicer program works. The learning institution currently has 12 3D printers which help the students explore their imagination and enhance their creativity.

At the end of the day, these learners are able to print small but complex designs such as articulated 3D models, and structural engineering models, e.g., how to print buildings with complex designs like the White House, how to print bridges, etc.

Here’s the deal:

Without high-quality 3D printers in this South Korean learning institution, the 3D printouts will not be that great. And, if the learners do not like the quality of their printing, there is a great chance that they will lose interest in their CAD and 3D printing classes.

The reason why this school is so successful in teaching its learners these classes is that they use high-quality 3D printers.

high quality 3D printer deal 

Making Sense of it All

Having a high-quality 3D printer helps solve a greater percentage of your 3D printing quality issues. While these high-quality 3D printers are quite expensive, their features and benefits outweigh their cost.

And, printing high-quality 3D models does not require you to have mad CAD skills. You can always download pre-made designs from online repositories and enjoy printing what you desire.

One thing that you have to be careful about is the type of 3D printing material you choose to use. Remember, your 3D printer cannot work without 3D printing materials.

Different 3D printing materials have unique properties which make them ideal for completing certain tasks. It would be best if you’d take a look at our 3D printing materials catalog to find out which material is ideal for your 3D printing process.