3D printer use cases
April 26, 2023
3D Printing in Schools - How Education 3D Printers are Revolutionizing Academics

This is especially possible with the introduction of educational 3D printers which are specifically designed for use in educational settings only. Learners can easily print 3D models which helps them visualize how things really work in the real world.

Our main reason for preparing this article is to help learners and tutors to have the necessary knowledge about this device and how beneficial it can be to them. We’ve gone the extra mile by including a real case study of how 3D printing is revolutionizing education in South Korea.

Let’s jump right in!

3D printer class in education

Education 3D Printers Features

Before diving in too deep into the technical aspects of educational 3D printers, it would be best if we’d first look at their features:

● Easy to use - learners can easily get bored with something, especially if it is difficult and technical. Luckily, education 3D printers are one of the easiest devices to use. Their software and interfaces are designed to make the lives of learners easy when using them.

● Educational resources - these 3D printers come with a range of educational resources which include tutorials, online resources, lesson plans, etc. These educational resources help learners and tutors get the most out of their education 3D printers.

● High-quality output - Learners can learn more from visual elements as opposed to text. And, having a 3D printer that produces high-quality outputs with high levels of accuracy and precision is essential. It helps learners have a clearer understanding of what they are learning.

● Affordable - Education 3D printers have a rare combination of affordability and high-resolution output. Their affordability makes them more accessible to schools that have limited budgets.

● Safety - Safety is one feature that must never be ignored when it comes to 3D printers. And, education 3D printers have safety features such as closed printing chambers, filament run-out detection, printing bed auto-leveling, etc.

Education 3D Printers Filaments

It’s no lie that without a 3D printing filament, you cannot print any 3D models. 3D printers for education use different types of filaments depending on how you intend to use the printed 3D model.

Check out the most commonly used 3D printer filaments for educational 3D printers:

● Polylactic Acid (PLA) - PLA is a biodegradable and non-toxic filament made from renewable resources such as corn starch or sugarcane. It is easy to use and produces high-quality prints with a smooth finish. PLA is one of the most commonly used filaments in education 3D printing because of its ease of use and safety.

● Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) - ABS is a strong and durable filament that can withstand high temperatures and is commonly used in industrial-grade 3D printing. It requires a heated print bed and can produce models with a glossy finish. ABS is not as commonly used in education 3D printing because of its safety concerns, as it emits fumes during printing.

● Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG) - PETG is a strong and flexible filament that is more resistant to impact and bending than PLA. It is also more temperature-resistant and less prone to warping. PETG is a good option for functional parts or models that need to withstand wear and tear.

Engineering students might find this filament to be most useful to them as it can print functional prototypes.

Different materials fit for education 3D printers

When choosing a filament for education 3D printing, it is important to consider the properties required for the specific model or project, as well as the safety concerns associated with the filament.

For example, some filaments can produce a strong odor and inhalation can cause health issues. When heated, some types of filament can release fumes that may contain toxic chemicals or particles that can irritate the respiratory system. Inhaling these fumes can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, or nausea.

It would be best if you’d operate the 3D printer in a well-ventilated area with good air circulation, and wearing PPEs e.g., a face mask or even a respirator. In addition, it would be best if you’d avoid contact with molten 3D printing filaments.

Always ensure that your 3D printer is well calibrated - it’ll help prevent overheating and malfunctions which could release the toxic fumes from 3D printing filaments.

Pros and Cons of Using Educational 3D Printers


● Enhances creativity and imagination in learners - 3D printing encourages students to explore their creativity, experiment with new designs, and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems.

● Convenient and easy to use - Many education 3D printers come with user-friendly software and interfaces, making it easy for students and teachers to create and print 3D models.

● Cost-effective: Education 3D printers are more affordable than industrial-grade 3D printers, making them accessible to schools and educational institutions with limited budgets.

● Enhanced Learning Experience: 3D printing provides hands-on experience to students, enabling them to visualize abstract concepts and create tangible objects. It can help improve students' understanding of complex topics such as geometry, physics, engineering, and design.

3D printer in ASP stem school education


● Technical Skills Required: Students may need to learn technical skills, such as 3D modeling and computer-aided design (CAD), to create and print 3D models. This may require additional time and resources for training.

● Maintenance: 3D printers require regular maintenance, including cleaning and calibration, to ensure they are functioning correctly.

● Time-consuming: 3D printing can be a time-consuming process, especially when printing large or complex models. Students may need to spend several hours or even days designing and printing their models.

Successful Educational 3D Printer Case Study

The first and only dedicated American STEM Prep school in South Korea offers engineering and technology classes as part of its main curriculum. The curriculum also includes using CAD software and 3D printing.

The school has been successful in teaching its learners how to print high-quality 3D models from start to finish. The 3D printer they are using is Flashforge Adventurer 3.


According to the learners’ tutor, the purpose of these activities is to teach about 3DP technology and process, artistic design/creative thinking, or structural/engineering principles when modeling.

The learners are also encouraged to print structural/engineering 3D models e.g., door hinges, flexible toys, fantasy creatures, print and assemble a NASA-style rocket, etc. 

Here’s the deal:

It’s no lie that having educational 3D printers in this school has helped learners a great deal. They have gained the necessary technical skills required to design a model from scratch and print it successfully.

They can additionally put their creativity and imagination into good use and develop something useful that might help the world.

Making Sense of it All

Having educational 3D printers in schools is essential now, more than ever and, it is revolutionizing the education industry. Learn more about 3D printer features and 3D printer products.

These 3D printers are awesome tools for tutors to enhance their learners’ learning experience and provide a creative and hands-on way to explore design, manufacturing, and engineering topics.

Consider getting in touch with us today for more information on the best education 3D printers you can buy for your learning institution. Doing so will help your learners advance their skills in design, manufacturing, and engineering topics.